In the month of June 2011 there will be 2 workshops at the studio: |
sculpted books
visual stories |
Book artists radha Pandey and Yasmin Sethi did a loosely structured workshop from June 12 to 25. invited artists S.G Vasudev, Ayisha Abraham, Jayshree Poddar, Jason Cherian, Umesh Kumar, Sheela Gowda, Ram Sinam, Sarita Sunder , Geetanjali and Surekha as well as design students Nikita Jain and Kamini Rao created artsits books and book sculptures that are going to be exhibited on July 1, 2 and 3 at Scion, Indira Nagar.
This workshop was made possible by Ramesh Rao's big hearted support.
lighting up trash |
The big idea was to invite designers (of various genres) to fashion lights from trash.
I was completely overwhelmed by everyone's response to the concept and excitement it generated.
We began this workshop in the first week of June with everyone exchanging emails and information about sources,resources and the kinds of trash that we could use.
Participants, Devka Krishnan, Atul Johri, Jayshree Poddar, Surya Sajnanai, Anaheeta Pinto, David Pinto, Anshu Arora, Radha Pandey, Yasmin Sethi, Kanchan Arni, Nikita Jain, Kamini Rao, Niyati Upadaya have sourced and procured trash and scrap from all over Bangalore. "Scavenging" around Jolly Mohulla, Shivaji market, the back doors of restaurants and factories, we have collected PET bottles, tetra packs, metal scrap, old engine filters, old maps, fabric scraps, discard wires and cables.... and are now busy working on our prototypes. Manoj, Prasant and Ammu from my studio have been an efficient back end team, sawing, cutting, welding and making endless cups of chai.
What has livened up the 'dirty' work of picking and sorting trash has been the kids. From my elegant and artisitic 14 yr old neice Ayesha from Melbourne to the creative, lively kids of various participants. Kavya, Dhruv, Ishaar, Karan, Mallika, Anya, Siddarth, Veda and their friends, have pitched in with ideas and nimble fingers. its been a load of fun so far.
"This workshop is made possible by Radeesh Shetty of The Purple Turtles and very generous but silent supporters who are both large and "green" at heart."
Watch this space for info on the upcoming exhibition of the work.
Click on image for large view.

Alternate Current eventually ended up being a full recycling festival. How did that happen? Well, working with the whole process of waste threw up many questions for many of us, and that sparked off the idea to highlight the issues with a recycling festival. A Solid Waste Management Round Table (swmrt.com) agreed to partner with us and host a week long festval, we called the " Bengaluru Recycling Habba 2011". Please visit the page on Facebook for details.
Alternate Current opens the Habba and runs all week at Olive Beach on Wood Street.
Watch this space for pictures of the completed lamps. |